
Free .AFRICA Domain For Qualifying Domains

We would like to offer you the opportunity to register your .AFRICA domain name, based on its existing domain name for FREE.
For example if you have a domain name called YOURDOMAIN.CO.ZA and the equivalent .AFRICA domain name is available, you may qualify for a FREE .AFRICA domain name.

If you have registered or transferred a domain name on our system before March 2022 and its .AFRICA equivalent is available for registration, you may qualify for a FREE .AFRICA domain name.
You must claim your free .AFRICA domain before June 2022.
Your .AFRICA domain name registration will be for 1 year.  If you decide to keep the domain name after 1 year, you can renew the domain at a low renewal fee.

The Registry has indicated that should their promotional targets be met, the Annual Renewal Rates will be substantially reduced.
Please note that this is entirely Registry dependent.

In the last few years there has been a massive increase in searches and registrations of the popular .AFRICA domain name.  Even big corporate companies are investing in .AFRICA to increase their reach across the continent and secure their brand names.

How can I claim my FREE .AFRICA Domain Name?

Simply reply to this mail with a list of your current domain names with us and we can allocate the .AFRICA domains.
We can link the domain/s with your current hosting package so that you can start using the domains.
If you register your domains through us, but have no Hosting Plan, you can still claim your free .AFRICA Domains.
